Serving the Men of Illinois and Southern Wisconsin

🔥A community of men transforming other men through a loving Power greater than ourselves🔥


Illuman is a community of men supporting men on their continuous journey to a more authentic, loving, fully human life. We help each other heal our childhood, personality, and trauma-based wounds. Our experiences show us that the pain we do not transform we will transmit, so we seek a life changing spirituality, fed by the wisdom traditions of forgiveness and radical inclusivity.

Illuman of Illinois Featured events

virtual council (April 1)

Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM


“Men are asked to come with a willingness to participate from beginning to end and not as an observer. All participants begin at point zero with no agendas to live up to or down to. All that is required is for a man to come with a ‘beginner’s mind’ and the readiness of a young novice seeking wisdom. Ultimately, initiation, like life itself, is not a spectator’s sport.”

-Richard Rohr, OFM

Illuman was founded in 2012 and emerged from the remarkable work of Men as Learners and Elders (M.A.L.E.S.) founded by Fr. Richard Rohr. In December 2012, Fr. Richard blessed Illuman as the organization approved to carry forward the work begun by M.A.L.E.S. and the Men’s Rites of Passage. In that same year, Fr. Richard’s focus turned to founding the Living School and recovering a Christian path to unitive consciousness. His male-specific work transitioned away from the Center for Action and Contemplation into Illuman, a global nonprofit organization committed to carrying on Fr. Richard’s work to recover traditional patterns of male initiation, affirm a path to masculine healing, reveal the true and false self, and honor the path of descent. Illuman seeks to form future generations of men who will restore these practices, serving to build a world that celebrates the beauty of all beings through the power of ritual, image, story, and council. Illuman is an organization that is open to all men based on the simple belief that we are all brothers. In March 2023, “Illinois M.A.L.Es Midwest Chapter” rebranded to Illuman of Illinois.

Transformative Inner Work

Illuman provides opportunities to do the ‘inner work’ of personal growth and spiritual transformation in the company of other men. We utilize rituals, story, contemplative practices, and a small group framework known as the Way of Council to help men explore the things that matter most.

illuman offers

A Liberating Environment

In Illuman…
🔥Men can speak without being
judged or shamed.
🔥Men can express their emotions freely.
🔥Men can find healing from traumatized and toxic forms of masculinity.
🔥Men can rediscover their authentic selves.

Support & Brotherhood

Illuman allows men to discuss the real life challenges of the various roles they play – son, father, grandfather, partner, provider, nurturer, lover, friend…. Men support one another as they journey through life’s toughest challenges and transitions, forging deep and lasting friendships with other men.

Contemplative Spirituality & Ritual

Illuman emphasizes contemplative spiritual practices and unique ritual experiences more than conceptual teachings. Through story, image, nature, rhythm, and stillness, Illuman creates one-of-a-kind opportunities for men to explore the deepest parts of their inner-selves.

Our practices are informed by the rich history and experiences of many faith traditions. Our roots spring from the Judeo-Christian background, and have been deepened by the wisdom, depth, and interconnectedness of the spiritual journey across many faiths. Illuman embraces and honors all faith traditions.

Illuman of Illinois calendar

get to know illuman

in the Great Lakes Region

Illuman InterNational


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